Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fish Mutant Zombie appocolypse caused by Google Docs.

Testing out the ol Google docs.

This seems like an online word processor. honestly, as someone who ALREADY has a word processor on his computer, this isn't exactly life-changing.

With that said, it is a great thing that i could use, say in another dimension - provided that the only difference in this dimension is that we don't have a word processor, and not in a dimension where we are all fish mutant zombies, though that would be cool if i was the only normal person there, i would kick some arse and go fishing at the same time... i think i may be onto something here.

Back to the point-at-hand; this is great for those people who have access to the Internet, but no actual word processing or office suite type of software on their computers... well done google.

Now, back to the fish mutant zombies in dimension stupid. i'm thinking they would inhabit the ocean and other water ways, as they are fish mutants, and not just mutant fish. So in theory we should be right on land, right? WRONG!

Us land dwellers should be safe, unless they bite us then we become mutants on land, in which case do we also mutate into fish type things? If that's the case then we should also return to the water.

Soon enough the water will become overpopulated, and the normal people will be without fish, creating famine, disease and wars between fish-eating nations. Australia should be somewhat safe as we have such high lamb stocks. But with that said, Australians are usually the first guys to die in any movie...

Famine is the least of our worries, with the mutant fish zombies wanting more human officers, they will infect all types of water over time, effectively boning the human population. My advice, move to Tasmania or south Australia - maybe the mutant fish zombies only like "fresh" blood... in which case these two states, known for their interbreeding capabilities should be safe.

By safe, we should live for a generation or two before the insanity that comes with giving your sister special hugs takes over... by that time the fish mutant zombies may have even set up a happy and healthy water society, who knows?
And the morals of the story are:

1) I've used google docs, and it works very similar to any other word processor, kudos to google, but only if i can save it as a document.
2) The discovery of the dimension "Stupid".
3) Humankind will be eradicated by the mutant fish zombies in this dimension
4) I may have also found a way that one can interact sensually with ones family...
4b) I may or may not be a pretty messed up individual.

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